Board of Assessors
Meeting Minutes
August 7, 2012
The meeting was opened at 6:07 p.m.
Present: P. Murphy, S. Wechsler, C. Keville
Chairman: B. Kelley
Old Business:
Hearing on 121 High Road. - postponed to an undetermined future date. Budd responded to an email from Mark F. Murphy, Esq. letting him know the board did not accept his clients’ counter offer. The 8/14/2012 date will be postponed due to an appellant’s health issues. Both Budd and Sandy expressed their surprise that the appellants had not presented a new proposal in response to the Board’s offer. Carrie noted that the sale price in question was an estate sale and, as such, did not fall within the parameters of sales that would be definitive.
Pilot Programs – Budd was informed that Carrie had established an internal repository for any further information.
Normal Business:
- Minutes – The minutes for July 24, 2012 were read and accepted by Budd and Sandy.
- Monthly Abatements – The monthly abatements for July were reviewed and signed. Corrections for February and June were resigned.
- Public Participation Session - John Keville was present for the meeting. When asked he had no comment.
- Monthly Manager’s Meeting update – The board asked how often the meetings were held. Tracy informed the board that the meetings were held every third Wednesday. She also informed them that in September Chuck Kostro would present updated information on the Essex County Retirement Plan.
- ATB - 3 35th Street – Carrie told the board that a proposal was sent and is due back by August 15, 2012.
- Office work - Carrie requested vacation time on the 23rd and 27th of August. Budd asked if there were any deadlines for that time. Carrie responded negative. Budd made the motion to approve. Sandy seconded. All were in favor.
- Mail – An email from the D.O.R. was received letting the assessors know a workshop regarding the tax rate setting process will be held August 15th in Rowley.
New Business:
Tracy Blais, Town Administrator will address the board @ 6:15 p.m. regarding receiving multiple complaints regarding availability of office personnel and to talk about options for reorganizing the Assessor’s Office.
At 6:15 p.m. Tracy was asked to address the board. She thanked the board for seeing her. She said she had had the opportunity recently to speak with Chuck Kostro, former Town Administrator. She relayed to the board that his vision for the Town of Newbury involved having a Chief Assessor and clerical administrator. She did not believe that this would negate Patriot Properties, at this time.
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She told the board that it was apparent there was no coverage in the assessor’s office and being highly visited by the public this issue needed to be resolved. She reported many complaints over the absences.
Tracy noted that the assessor’s office is central to town operations and its most important revenue source, and that the need to capture revenue timely was something she felt strongly about. Tracy then let the board know that a renegotiation with the police union plus a higher than expected cherry sheet estimate would give the town the funding necessary to support a wage of $60,000. $80,000 was stated to be the norm for a Chief Assessor position. A reduced salary might be possible if the experience requirements were negotiable. This would be her number one priority for funding this year.
Tracy informed the board that when she had spoken to Ginny Thompson, Consultant she too supported the idea of having a Chief Assessor in house.
A discussion about the roles of Patriot Properties and Ginny and Carrie was had. Tracy asked to be provided with a copy of the Patriot contract as well as the last meeting minutes, indicating that she was unclear about the exact functions Patriot performed. Carrie agreed to provide same following the meeting. Patriot’s roll was expected to be renegotiated with the reorganization.
Tracy expressed a need to improve organization in the office. Carrie informed the board that the files have been much improved recently. She is concentrating on records retention and asking approval for destruction of records when appropriate. Budd asked what priority should be placed on the records at the Woodbridge School. Tracy indicated that the school was slated to be sold in the near future and priority should be placed on the records there.
Carrie asked where this would leave her. Tracy responded, “I don’t know what your qualification are but you’re welcome to apply for either position.”
Budd expressed concern that this new staffing change may still leave vacant office time when inspections are being done. A 25 hour coverage out of the 35 hour schedule would be acceptable according to Tracy under the new staffing.
Sandy asked to see more information to support this change and asked what the expectations were in terms of how it would realistically allow for a reduction in Patriot’s role. Tracy expressed the opinion that preparing detailed job descriptions might help answer those questions.
Tracy outlined the following next steps:
- Set job descriptions
- Survey other communities
- Secure funding
- Return to Board for decision to re-organize
The board will consider all that was said.
At 6:45 p.m. Sandy motioned to adjourn the meeting. Budd seconded the motion. All were in favor.
F. “Budd” Kelley, Chairman
____________________________ ______________________________
Sanford Wechsler E. Peter Murphy